Tuesday, 3 February 2009

snow, and then some


so we moved to brooklyn a month or so ago, leaving the start of what has turned out to be a stonking summer, to immerse ourselves in the depths of nyc's winter. and then we left for 3 1/2 weeks in england (holland, for d) and germany. we're exhausted but very happy to be 'home,' despite a great trip. it's snowed all day, and there's more due tomorrow - the world is white again, and I am very happy. I improved my long subway ride to work by getting out at 57th st and walking the length of central park - this is going to be a regular feature of my commute. it takes about 45 minutes at a quite leisurely pace. The few other souls crazy enough to be out there this morning emerged from the whiteness occasionally, but the park was mostly populated by the squirrels, clearly mad for the snow! like me, really, but somewhat more adapted to it, what with the fur 'n all. so cute! the lakes and reservoir in the park are frozen, and the new snow was collecting across the ice, covering water as well as land. I read this morning that there are 58 miles of walking tracks in central park, and i aim to walk as many of those miles as possible before we leave.

the flight back from germany was on a very cramped lufthansa 747, with a pilot who must, i think, have a somewhat macabre sense of humour: as we're about to depart, when the captain does their little introductory speech, ours announced that the flight is bound for 'the hudson river'. given that we were actually heading to JFK, which is not on the hudson, I could only hope he didn't intend to emulate the incredible feat of the pilot of US Airways flight 1549! Fortunately the air traffic controllers had other ideas, and we landed safely at JFK, getting home after a leg of the journey that involved 3 trains, 1 flight, 1 airtrain, 1 subway, and 1 unfortunately rather long walk with heavy packs - winter travel does not invite travelling light, for those of us who struggle with the concept to begin with!

anyway, back to brooklyn, and back to bagels. hooray. today's bagel consumption: a pumpernickel bagel from terrace bagels (http://www.yelp.com/biz/terrace-bagels-brooklyn), with a boiled egg. absolutely delightful!

over and out...


  1. yay...wonderful to hear from you....we miss yous heaps man...

  2. It was grand to have you in LDN - you missed the snow, but it seems like you have quite enough to deal with there! (Predictably, the media here called it "an extreme weather event".) I bought tremendous alpine hiking boots on sale (£20!) which has, thus far, prevented me from going arse over face on the ice outside my front door...
